Horizon Business Ventures restores the landscape while improving living conditions in Kenya

News overview

Kenyan company Horizon Business Ventures (HBV) shows that it’s possible to restore the landscape while at the same time improving the living conditions of local communities. In cooperation with the local community, this pioneer collects seeds and leaves and processes them into essential oils that it sells to various international and national parties. In so doing, they combat deforestation and boost the vitality of the local habitat.

Supported by the DOEN Foundation, Horizon Business Ventures succeeded in setting up production to meet growing demand and boost its impact. Freija Vermeer, Regenerative Economics Programme Manager at DOEN: “HBV serves as a great example for the sector. It shows that investing in landscape restoration and achieving economic gains can be done simultaneously. Where trees used to be cut down, there is now greater biodiversity, healthier soil and fewer droughts than in other regions.”

Horizon Business Ventures is supported by the DOEN Foundation thanks to the players of the Postcode Loterij.