
The following applies to all applications:

  • The application must fit the transitions that DOEN wants to accelerate and meets the criteria of the DOEN foundation or related brands. In addition, specific criteria apply to each theme or sub-theme.
  • An application can be submitted all year round but must reach the DOEN Foundation at least four months before the start of the project.
  • In principle, an application procedure takes four months.
  • Applications must be submitted using the application form.
  • In addition to the above criteria, the following aspects have added value:
    • The initiative should touch upon more than one of the themes on which DOEN focuses (a regenerative economy, an inclusive society and/or the power of imagination to bring about change).
    • DOEN's funding has a catalytic effect.
  • If your application does not fit our objectives and the project does not satisfy the criteria, the application will be rejected with a brief explanation.