Support from DOEN
Increasing space for imagination, where everyone can participate and the commons comes first, are important principles in our international cultural programme. The assessment of applications is based on the urgency and added value of a project within the cultural sector in the country concerned or its contribution to cooperation and innovation in the sector in an entire region.
In the Arab region, DOEN cooperates with the organisations Culture Resource and the Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC). DOEN still directly funds a very limited number of projects or organisations in these countries. Culture Resource and AFAC have more context information at their disposal and can therefore fund more effectively in this politically unstable region. Culture Resource supports the building of cultural infrastructure in the Arab world through the ABBARA programme. This is a mix of cultural management and institutional funding. The organisation is an important support organisation for small cultural initiatives in the Arab countries in transition. AFAC is a fund that provides grants to young artists and cultural initiatives throughout the Arab region.
In the area of International Media, DOEN has been working through the Media Development Investment Fund since 2014. Free and critical media are indispensable in a pluralistic society. MDIF is an investment fund that provides funding to independent news media in countries where freedom of the press is not self-evident. MDIF focuses on newspapers, radio stations and TV companies in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. These media organisations are strengthened through financial support, training and advice.